About the Business
JCS training is part of the JCS Computing group established in 1988 to deliver I.T. services to business. JCS training was formed in 1995 and provides comprehensive training solutions to large international organisations, Accountancy and Legal firms, the NHS, Local and National Government Agencies, Education establishments and many small and medium sized businesses. Our head office and main training centre is located in Northampton close to Junction 15 of the M1 Motorway. We also have associate training venues in Milton Keynes, Leicester, London, Oxford, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Birmingham, Luton and most of the main towns throughout the UK. We are on the UK register of learning providers UKRLP and a member of The Learning and Performance Institute. We have a large bank of Professional Trainers each dedicated and the best in the field at their specific course subjects.
Location & Hours

Quarry Park Close